Thursday, June 20, 2013








佛陀... 我知道您已经进入涅磐了,也留下了最好的佛法给我,我更知道我应该要走最对的路,可是我现在真的不知如何是好,因为我放不下。


Saturday, January 5, 2013

Heavy Rainy Day

In myanmar, when i used to be a monk, we used to hold our arm bowl, to beg for rice along the village. Even though when it was raining, we used to practice in this way. During that time, I wont feel scare of heavy rain like now, as that time i kept only my attention to my meditation target when walking and begging for rice. Human nowaday they always live under fear, too happy, and unhappy sometimes. The up and dowm pf their emotion are always obvious. Unlike my life when I was in Myanmar, about most of the time, I feel very balance, peaceful and quiet as my mind only focus on subject using meditation method taught by my teacher Venerable Punnananda. I feel a lot appreciate to him because he had taught me the best method that can help us to hinder from suffering, temporary and permanently, which is originated or invented by our BUDDHA. I hope and I wish i could finish up the meditation lesson and attain nibbana one day.